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Past Webinar
City Planning to Reduce GHG Emissions and Enhance Resilience

City Planning to Reduce GHG Emissions and Enhance Resilience
Wednesday, 9 March, 10h00 New York time (07h00 Los Angeles; 16h00 Paris; 23h00 Shanghai)
Featuring: Adrienne Greve and Michael Boswell, authors of Climate Action Planning: A Guide to Creating Low-Carbon, Resilient Communities.
City planners are at the center of local decisions that drive carbon emissions and are impacted by climate change, yet in many countries, climate policies are largely determined at the national level. Boswell and Greve, authors of a leading text on Climate Action Planning (Island Press, 2019), will outline the strategies available to local planners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build communities which can adapt to sea-level rise, increased urban heat, and other climate impacts. Using examples from communities they have worked with, as well as innovate approaches from around the world, they will show how urban planners are implementing locally-appropriate solutions for land use, transportation, hazard mitigation, economic development, and municipal finance. They will also suggest how planners can best work with elected officials and other stakeholders to build support for climate-based decisions. This session will provide 1.5 AICP CM credits as well as 1.0 Sustainability & Resilience CM credit.
Adrienne Greve has prepared award-winning climate action plans for Benicia and San Luis Obispo in California and has worked on climate issues in Japan and Sub-Saharan Africa. She was lead developer of California’s Climate Adaptation Planning Guide. Michael Boswell, AICP, was a member of U.N. Habitat’s expert group on Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning. Senior advisor to California’s Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, he founded and directs California’s annual Climate Action Planning Conference, and co-chairs the Climate Change Task Force of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Greve and Boswell both teach in the city and regional planning program at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
This International Division webinar is made available through the APA Planning Webcast Series (https://www.ohioplanning.org/aws/APAOH/pt/sp/webcast_home_page)