International Hazard Mitigation: From Recovery to Resiliency - When Do We Plan?

How do different countries and communities prepare for and recover from natural disasters? Tools, laws, and policies may differ on how each local government works with their communities, but what can we learn from each other to tackle the common challenge of natural disasters?  

The International Division invites you to join an online webinar with a panel of speakers who will share their insights and experiences working in resiliency and recovery to make their communities stronger. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 7 pm-9:30 pm EST

Please register HERE. The webinar link will be provided a few days before the event. Please note there is a limit of 300 participants. 

AICP CM credits will be available for attending this webinar. 



Jennifer Pratt, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Director of Community Development: Cedar Rapids, impacted by record floods in 2008 and 2016 and the devastating 2020 Midwest Derecho, Jennifer offers insights into long-term community recovery.

Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Professor, Polytechical University of Madrid. Founding Partner at Ezquiaga Arquitectura Sociedad y Territorio SL.: Valencia, Spain, will share its experience with flooding, focusing on innovative strategies for managing water-related risks and the city's efforts to mitigate the impacts of frequent flooding events.

Michael Marrella, NYC Dept of City Planning, Director of Climate & Resiliency Planning: NYC’s experience with Superstorm Sandy highlights balancing waterfront protection and equitable access, using social media to engage communities in decisions like retreat versus resilient rebuilding.

Tetsuya Yaguchi, Professor, Waseda University, AIA Japan Chapter President, JSURP Board Member: Tokyo commemorates the Great Kanto Earthquake by fostering preparedness through disaster imagination games, and empowering neighborhoods to identify risks and craft solutions collaboratively.

Hosted by James Schwab, Consultant and Past Chair of APA's Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Planning Division

Join many of the panelists afterward at the APA National Conference in Denver for a follow-up discussion on Sunday, March 30!