Our Division International Division
The purpose of the Division is to foster and interest in, contribute knowledge to, and promote cooperation for a broad range of issues and activities in international affairs to planners by:
- Creating a network of planners to contribute to the promotion of interests, concerns, practitioner skills, and the competence of its members in a common area of interest or identity, where learning, research, advocacy and interaction serve to advance the security of planners and the role of planning in building communities;
- Disseminating materials and information about current international practice and theory to members of the Division;
- Assisting and educating the Association about influencing legislation; planning policy; and membership welfare, which may include but is not limited to workplace fairness, equitable programs and benefits, and opposing discrimination - that affects internationally;
- Facilitating connections with Divisions, Chapters, and other professionals and professional organizations that are concerned with international planning; and
- Promoting professional communication among members of the Division through a variety of member services, including but not limited to newletters, conference sessions, workshops webinars and other publications.

The International Division has been dedicated to meeting the needs of members for over 25 years.
- Any Association member may join upon payment of the Division's dues. All Division members must belong to the Association.
- Non-Association members may become Division Affiliates upon payment of Division Affiliate dues.
- Division-only affiliates shall not represent themselves as members of the Association.
- Termination: Division membership of affiliation will be terminated upon failure to pay Division dues.
Division Program and Initiatives
Humanitarian Planning Committee
Aging & Livable Community Committee
Japan Collaboration Group
World Town Planning Day
International Planners Exchange
Student Grants
Planning Excellence Award