In 2023, the American Planning Association (APA) Divisions Council conducted a survey to gain insights on how to better support planners in addressing climate change practices. The final report was published in March 2024 and can be accessed here.

Building on this survey, the APA International Division is partnering with the APA Sustainable Communities Division to broaden the survey’s reach, extending it to planners globally.

The purpose of this survey is to 

  • Determine the extent to which climate change currently affects planners' communities and their daily work, including identifying specific work-related outcomes and challenges.
  • Identify the main barriers that prevent planners from integrating climate considerations into their work and explore opportunities for enhancing their ability to address climate change. 

Ultimately, the effort is to facilitate knowledge exchange among planners across countries, creating potentials for collaboration among planners.

More information about the survey

Besides English, the survey is available in Chinese, French, Hindi, Japanese, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese

Take the Survey (Google Form in 8 Languages)

问卷调查(WQX in Chinese Language Only)