Japan-United States Collaboration Group (JUSCG)

By Pierre Blaché on Pixabay
We are a group of planners interested in the planning practice and the culture of Japan. In February 2021, we established the group and declared that:
Our vision: Japanese and American planners helping each other to better their communities and the world. 日米の都市計画家が互いに助け合い、それぞれの地域、そして世界をより良くしていく。
Our mission: Initiating, promoting, and facilitating collaboration between American planners and Japanese planners through networking, knowledge sharing, and project partnership.
Our value: Respectful. Practical. Inspiring.
We meet virtually at 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST on the second Tuesday / 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM JST on the second Wednesday of each month. If you are interested in joining us or attending our meeting, please contact Jing Zhang.